surreal photo manipulation Tag

I finished this photo manipulation circa June, 2014. With all the readjustments of the website, I have been waiting for the right moment to publish it. It's way simpler than my usual stuff, a thing that I've been trying to

New personal illustration (at last!), a very simple black and white surreal photo manipulation as my last personal project on 2013, related to extremely persistent people. I'm sure that all of us can relate to that, isn't it? Model is again

patience /ˈpeɪʃəns/n tolerant and even-tempered perseverance the capacity for calmly enduring pain, trying situations, etc New personal illustration. Model is Eduardo Muñoz. Don't lose hope. And

Following with the release of pieces published on the last publication of Hysterical Minds, here it is "Charade", a not-so-obvious illustration about masks and the art of lying

Another illustration published in "Substantia", the latest release of the artistic collective Hysterical Minds. It started as a sort of surreal portrait about Penelope and Ulysses (in Greek mythology, Penelope was Ulysses' wife, who waited for him to come back

"Betrayal" is my new global warming illustration, created in Photoshop using matte painting and photobashing techniques. Hysterical Minds recently release last week their 11th art pack entitled "Empathy" (you can view it here). The main premise this time was the usage