Internal Landscapes Prints Reedition
About a decade ago, I travelled to La Fuente del Rey, which is a small condominium in the mountains of Cieza, in the Region of Murcia (South of Spain). It's a paradise on Earth with amazing sunsets and landscape views.
Deliberation 50×50 Canvases 50% off!
Hello, friends and followers! Last week I reached 2 million visitors on my shop and I wanted to celebrate this milestone with you by offering a 20x20 inch (51x51cm) canvas of my best seller "Deliberation" for 67€ (that's 50% off!).
“Conscience” Video Art Making Of: Turning a phone pic into Art
This week I show you in my video art making of series how I turned a very old, low quality photo into a finished artwork. I took the original photo with my phone in a 2010 trip to Brussels with
Tempus Fugit – Digital Art Making Of Video
New piece using matte painting and photobashing techniques in Photoshop. I created several base pieces using artificial intelligence generative art network Midjourney and brought them together.Then I added some digital painting and photography to the mix.In the end, it is
Neptunian Metanoia Digital Art Video
Metanoia /ˌmɛtəˈnɔɪə/, noun 1. change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion: "what he demanded of people was metanoia, repentance, a complete change of heart" Named after the Roman god of the sea, Neptune is the modern ruler
Cyclolysis Metamorphica
Welcome to another animated art making of video entry. This week, I'm going to show you the process behing another piece from my "Psychoclimatic conditions" series: Cyclolysis Metamorphica. Cyclolysis ( \ sīˈkläləsə̇s \) 1. (meteorology) The weakening or termination of a cyclonic
States of the Matter
Hello, everyone! Let me introduce my latest digital art triptych: States of the Matter. The last year has been a wild ride, isn't it? The Covid pandemic, the political problems going out of control, the war and a huge health and
Enjoy the Silence: Small Tribute to Depeche Mode
Finally, latest exhibition from the international artistic collective Hysterical Minds, called "Substantia", has finally see the light! You can check it out here! You will find seven brand new artworks by yours truly, alongside some of the best contemporary digital
Hysterical Minds New Exhibition: Twisted Essence
Twisted Essence, the new artistic pack released by the hispanic-speaking art collective Hysterical Minds, ha sbeen released, at last, with some of the best material de collective has released to date, including mesmerizing paintings, vectors, photograps, mixed media illustration, music,
One Second – Photographs from Edimburgh
I promised to update a lot the website this week, but the thruth is that I've been involved in a lot of activities and I've been unable to come here as much as I wanted. Anyway, I'm going to show you
‘Memories Collector’ New Photoshoot
Fifth session of Memories Collector done tonight. I asked my friend Alba Navas to come to the session. We have already collaborated in many projects, mostly when we were in the university, and she is one of my most recurrent