Remastered Back Catalog Artworks 2006-2016
It’s been a while since the last time I posted something here. I started my 2020 with the premise of taking less commissioned work to focus on myself and my personal surreal artworks. It’s been several years of taking commissions non-stop and I needed to develop my own stories to kleep my creativity fresh. I decided to focus on my project “Psycho Climatic Conditions”. A series of experimental mixed media portraits I had been working on since 2018, where I co-relate weather phenomena with psychological diagnoses. But then… COVID19. We all have been going through very weird times because of the current worldwide pandemic. When we started the lockdown, I wasn’t specially worried about myself, since I had started my own seclusion a few months prior to the situation. What started as some “quality time with myself“, ended up being “damn, this is the enf of the world”. Luckily it wasn’t, and I found the time I needed to create new stuff at last.
A brief summary of events
When we finished the lockdown in Spain back in May 2020, I had a change of heart and decided to put the project on hold. I decided that I should focus on the management of my stores all over the world. Why? Because I saw it coming: I work mostly for music bands, and the pandemic was about to make things impossible for them: Cancelled tours, restrictions and bad managements were going to bankrupt lots of bands. And then, it happened. Most bands losing gigantic amounts of money from lost tours. Indefinitely postponed performances. Lost investments from bands, and so on. I saw it clear: Nobody is going to hire you probably in a couple of years, at least: “Mario, you have to focus your main source of income elsewhere, darling. This is not going to change anytime soon”.
I realized that I had a lot of old artworks that needed a touch-up, and I decided to give them a hand of new post-production in Camera Raw after making a selection of around 100 illustrations from 2006 up until 2016. My first idea was to spend 2 weeks at most doing basic light and color retouches, but then I realized that a lot of these pieces had serious issues (namely over and sub expositions, mostly), so although most of the images were just slightly retouched, some were revamped almost from scratch being repainted in their original master PSDfiles. The full process took me 3 months in the end. Some artworks that were discontinued in my merch stores and licensing pages were made available again, but I made sure to do not touch some of my all-time classics such as “Deliberation” and “Betrayal”, just in case.
Where can you find the new artworks?
You can now find all these remastered pieces on the Available Surreal Artworks area of this website. Below you will find a selection of before/after screenshots so you can get the idea behind this project. In my mind, these images always looked like they do now when I remembered them, but taking a not-so-closer look… well, they didn’t, actually. So now they look as I intended them to be back in the day, but with the tools and knowledge I have now after working for 15 years in the creative industry. They are all available for licensing for your project, wether for CD packaging, book covers or any other editorial usage. Just get in touch and let me know about your project so I can get back to you with rates fort each one.
They’re also available as fine art prints, canvases and other merch. And talking about that, I worked on a new store implementation on this very website, so now you can get any of my images without leaving my portfolio. Just head to the Shop area and take a look. Considering the sales drop and the lack of commissioned work due to the global pandemic, every little thing helps! So if you have some coin to spare, I thank you for your support. We ship worldwide!
Oh! And use the code ZMSCRB at checkout to get a 20% off any purchase. Only for the first 50 customers!
Remastered Surreal Artworks showcase
Without further addition, I hope you enjoy this little glow-up, that sets in stone and era of my artistic career to which I won’t be going back ever again. It’s done and I’m done. I’m closing a door and opening a new one that I don’t know where it will lead to, all things considered. It’s time to start a brand new era.

Remember to watch all remasters in my Artwork Gallery!
I hope you’re all safe!
Bottom Line
Remember that if you need to hire a freelance illustrator or are in need of a commercial license for a book, film or music album, my schedule is currently open and I am accepting commissions. Go to my contact page or get in touch via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.