- 2015: Emmy Awards: ‘Best Commercial’ Nominee for ‘Dream On’ by Goodby Silverstein (credited artist).
- 2015: Cannes Festival: Silver Lion best Film, Gold Cyber Lion best Social Media, Silver Cyber Lion best Animation for ‘Dream On’ by Goodby Silverstein (credited artist) + (Cannes Archive)
- 2015: Pencil D&AD “Best Advertising Film” for ‘Dream On’ by Goodby Silverstein (credited artist).
- 2015: AICP Awards: Best Design Commercial for “Dream On” by Goodby Silverstein (credited artist).
- 2014: Gold Stellar Award – Wide Open Digital – Digital Arts California.
- 2013: MASTER Award. Surreal Illustratión. Exposé 11.
- 2012: MASTER Award. Design. Exposé 10.
- 2011: Excellence Award. Design. Exposé 9.
- 2011: Nonsense Society Self-Portrait. 3rd place.
- 2010: Creajoven: Best Photography act. 2nd Place.
- 2010: Creajoven: Best Performance for “Las Plañideras”. 3rd place.
- 2010: La Verdad: Best Cultural website of Murcia Region. 1st place.
- 2009: The Gates of Metal Awards: Best metal cover: 2nd place.
- 2006/2015: 13 (!) Daily Deviations granted by deviantArt Inc.
- 2025: Fragile Strength in The Minories, Brighton (UK).
- 2025: Fragile Strength: Cervantes Institute and French Alliance (collective, New Delhi, India)
- 2025: Rancho Rosa: In Heaven, Tribute to David Lynch (collective, Murcia, Spain).
- 2025: Espacio Artlab: Nevado + Sertek (Madrid, Spain)
- 2017: Kaliningrad State Art Gallery (collective w/ Digital Dreams, Russia).
- 2017: Nuzhin City Exhibition Hall, Yaroslavl (collective w/ Digital Dreams, Russia).
- 2017: Togliaty Art Museum (collective w/ Digital Dreams, Russia).
- 2017: Krasnodar Regional Showroom of Fine Arts (collective w/ Digital Dreams, Russia).
- 2016: Fast Expos: Aégis Illustration 10th Anniversary Retrospective + Sertek DJ Set. Siroco (Madrid, Spain).
- 2016: Digital Dreams: Masterpieces of Computer Graphics. Art Bank (St. Petersburg, Rusia).
- 2016: Contes Malalts: 10 years of the digital surrealism of Mario Sánchez Nevado. Museo La Massana Còmic (Andorra).
- 2015: Minocom Gallery – Permanent Collection (São Paulo, Brazil).
- 2015: Dynamite Gallery – Permanent Collection (Brighton, UK).
- 2013: Creatives Rising. Guggenheim and MoMa. New York City.
- 2013: Zombies in ART. Warmstreets Gallery. Lynchburg, Virgina (US).
- 2013: We are Art People. The Naked EYE gallery. Brighton (UK).
- 2013: “Reflections from the awaken subconsciousness” (UDIMA University, Madrid).
- 2013: The story of the Creative (New York city). Curated by See.Me.
- 2012: XX Euskal Encounter. Bilbao (Spain).With Hysterical Minds.
- 2012: Artists Wanted: Art Takes Times Square. Collective urban exhibition w/ Artists Wanted (New York).
- 2012: V Parallax Art Fair (London). Collective exhibition w/ Hysterical Minds.
- 2011: Found Sights: Reflections about time and memory. Collective exhibit. Laboratorio de Arte Joven (Murcia).
- 2010: “Memories Collector”. LAB Murcia.
- 2010: Illustrations from digital surrealism. Solo exhibition. OCIO. Murcia (info I / info II).
- 2010: I Encuentro Jóvenes Realizadores. Ludwig Foundation. La Habana (Cuba).
- 2009: Project 5 Cyberart: New medias and languages. Molinos del Río Museum (Spain) info I / info II / info III).
- 2009: Cehegín Carnival ads showcase. Culture House (Murcia).
- 2008: II Contemporary Videoart Murcian showcase. Puertas de Castilla (Murcia).
- 2007: Creajoven finalists Comic category with “The Nowhere Man”. La Nave, Puente Tocinos (Spain).
- 2006: University of Murcia Collective Fine Arts Expo. Cuartel de Artillería (Murcia).
Media endorsement
- 2021: Breakable Things. Cassandra Khaw (Undertow Publications, Canada).
- 2020: Fatigue & Functioning in Rheumatic Diseases – A Biopsychological Perspective. Cécile Overman (self PhD release, Netherlands).
- 2018: Buddhaharma Issue #5 (Lion’s Roar Foundation, Canada).
- 2018: Shaming intro brown. Stephanie Fetta (Ohio State Press).
- 2017: Art against Empire: Toward an aesthetic for Degrowth, by Samuel Alexander (Simplicity Institute, Australia).
- 2015: University of Edinburgh: The European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions.
- 2014: Creativ Magazine.
- 2014: Adobe Master Class: Advanced Composition in Photoshop (Adobe Press).
- 2014: Zupi Art Issue. 42th Edition, Year 9 (Brazil).
- 2014: Diari dal Sottosuolo (Speechless Mag., Italy)
- 2013: Pasarela (High Shool BAC Spain). Hachette Éducation (France).
- 2013: Innsmouth Magazine #13: Weird & Horror Fiction cover (USA).
- 2013: Exposé 11 (Master Prize awarded – Ballistic Publishing, Australia).
- 2013: Gigerotica: A documentary about H.R. Giger (Spanish w/English subs)
- 2013: Mirage: The best of Hysterical Minds (Mad Artist Pl./ Sketchozine, Canada).
- 2012: What women (don’t) want (Speechless Mag, Italy).
- 2012: S: Spanish Art Compilation (Babylon Ed., Spain).
- 2012: The Zombook (Graffito Books, UK).
- 2012: Exposé 10 (Master Prize awarded – Ballistic Publishing, Australia).
- 2012: Retrospectiva: The Book (Hysterical Minds, Spain).
- 2011: Exposé 9 (Excellence Prize awarded – Ballistic Publishing, Australia).
- 2011: INSIDE Art Magazine (Germany).
- 2010: The Art Book (The Artbook Inc.) 2010.
- 2010: Workbook 2011.
- 2010: Illustrations for Press 1 e-zine volume III.
- 2008: Advanced Photoshop Magazine: Mixed Media artists.
- 2008: Third Millenium Magazine articles (#55, #56 & #57).
- 2021: [Podcast] “Así empezamos los creadores” (Spanish – 106′).
- 2019: “Graphic Illustration: Mario Sánchez Nevado”, Articulate Magazine issue 21 (Sweden).
- 2018: “La feminidad en la obra de Mario Sánchez Nevado”, Icono Cero (Spain).
- 2017: Art Of Magazine: The best 25 artists of the world. Issue 1 (France).
- 2016: [Video] NTV Russia: Covering of the exhibition “Digital Dreams (Russian).
- 2016: [Video] Covering of the exhibition “Sick Tales” by the Agency of Radio, Press and Television of Andorra (Catalan).
- 2016: A conversation with Mario Sánchez Nevado in Shift Art (English).
- 2015: [Podcast] Interview in Territorimac (Spanish).
- 2015: Interview in Cotógraphix (Spanish + English).
- 2015: StudioVox: “Award Winning Art Director Pushes Boundaries of Imagination – Mario Sánchez Nevado” (English).
- 2015: [Video] Photoshop Rockstars chronicle (Spanish).
- 2015: [Podcast] Interview Vox Coordenada 57 (Spanish).
- 2015: Toxic Sushi Magazine #13 Interview (German).
- 2015: [Video] Cultura Bajo el Sol Murciano Interview and artwork comentary (Spanish).
- 2015: Bellafest press release. La Verdad (Spain).
- 2015: “De tinta murciana”, article in La Verdad newspaper (Spain).
- 2015: Interview in Photoshop Tutorials (English).
- 2015: Multiple features about my appearance on the 25th anniversary TV spor of Adobe Photoshop premiered during the Oscar Academy Awards: Telecinco – 20 Minutos – Europa Press – – elEconomista – La Panorámica
- 2015: Ilustraciones de Óscar. Murcia Visual (Spanish).
- 2015: “Should you become a professional artist?” Multi-interview for Project Educate in deviantArt (English).
- 2014: Feature on BadSkin Magazine Dec. 2014 issue (Spanish).
- 2014: Interview for Creativ Magazine #2 (English).
- 2014: Interview for Bad Dream Entertainment (English).
- 2014: Interview for La Opinión de Murcia (Spanish).
- 2014: Interview for Astronaut on a Cow (English).
- 2014: Writeca: “The outstanding digital art by Mario Sánchez Nevado” (English).
- 2014: Gráffica: “Mario Sánchez Nevado: Melancholy is the best tool to start creative things” (Spanish).
- 2014: Interview in Creative Pro Mag (English).
- 2014:[Video] Adobe Create Now in Madrid (parts 3&4, presenting a Behance Portfolio Review – (Spanish).
- 2014: Interview in Styl’Arts Magazine #1 (French).
- 2014: “Art has to reach everybody”, Interview by Jorge Plasencia for My Peccadillo (Spanish).
- 2014: [Video] Theory, Psychology and Digital Art behind Mario S. Nevado (Spanish).
- 2014: [Video] UDIMA University interviews digital artist Mario S. Nevado (Spanish w/ English subs).
- 2014: Speakers of Adobe Iberica’s “Create Now” Event (Spanish).
- 2014: “A dying wish for digital art” article: Just food & art (English).
- 2013: Dynamite Gallery interview (English).
- 2013: [Podcast] Interview in El Hombre 2.0, at ROM Radio (Spanish).
- 2013: [Video] I Art & Psichology Symposyum (Spanish).
- 2013: Art & Psychology between the colors of Mario Sánchez Nevado. Report by Estefanía Gonzalez (Padeceaec) (Spanish).
- 2013: Cover and 8-page special feature on Visual Artistry Magazine (Volume I, issue 5) (English).
- 2013: Gigaverse: “Sales tips from Art Director & Illustrator Mario S. Nevado” Interview (English).
- 2013: La Culturería: The MOMA will wear the “Betrayal” by Sánchez Nevado (Spanish).
- 2013: Advanced Photoshop Magazine #112: 15 Tips from professional designers (UK).
- 2013: Report from the I Symposium of Art & Psychology + Exhibition of Mario S. Nevado (Spanish).
- 2013: “How to get other to share your work” article on PSD Tuts (English).
- 2013: Interview at Creative Spotlights + Random facts (English).
- 2013: Article in Athens Voice newspaper (Greece).
- 2013: Interview in NeverLazy Magazine #9: “Illustration was written on my genetical code” (English).
- 2013: Monographic on Players Magazine #20 (English).
- 2013: Interview on Conspiracy Minds (English).
- 2013: Inspirational article on PSD Tuts+ (English)
- 2012: Emotionally charged surreal art – My Modern Metropolis (review) (English).
- 2012: “Betrayal” review: Screws & Feathers (English).
- 2012: Review on Design Web Identity (English).
- 2012: Advanced Photoshop Magazine #102
- 2012: City Jumper: Interview. (English)
- 2012: deviantART review. (English)
- 2012: Bad Skin Magazine. (Spanish)
- 2012: Interview at Espacio Pático. (Spanish)
- 2012: Der Bildbearbeiter #5 Interview. (German)
- 2012: Advanced Photoshop Magazine #95: Interview about Hysterical Minds (English).
- 2012: Enkil: Interview to Mario S. Nevado, Art Director of Hysterical Minds. (Spanish)
- 2011: Feature @ Brain Storm Override (Spanish).
- 2011: Interview: La Coctelera Visual (Spanish).
- 2011: 22-pages Interview at Revolutionart Magazine #27 (English).
- 2009: Interview @ Uno de los Nuestros (Spanish – recommended!).
- 2009: Interview in Braintwisting (Italian).
- 2007: Advanced Photoshop Magazine Interview (English).
- 2006: Telecinco TV “Nosolomúsica”.
Lectures and Workshops
- 2017: Photoshop Rockstars On-line.
- 2016: Masterclass invitation to the United World College of Maastricht (Holland).
- 2016: The secrets behind Betrayal, Vulnicura and Honey. Live Webinar on ShiftArt.
- 2016: Curatorship at Common Action Forum 2016 (Wellington Hotel, Madrid).
- 2016: A guide to Visual Communication and Composition (HYC Studios, Vigo, Spain).
- 2016: Adobe Make it Layered, Make it Yours (Creative Cloud Events).
- 2016: Photoshop Rockstars Vigo (Concello do Vigo, Spain).
- 2015: Adobe Make It Europe Workshops – Advanced Composition with Mario Sánchez Nevado (Creative Cloud Events).
- 2015: Brief Festival – Adobe Creative Meetup: “Vertiginous compositions on the go!” & Behance Portfolio Review (La casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain).
- 2015: Photoshop Rockstars (Teatros Callao, Madrid, Spain).
- 2015: Make Yourself Happen: Adobe Webinar – Become a star of Behance with Mario Sánchez Nevado (Creative Cloud Events).
- 2015: Bellafest: About freelancing and self-management for new creatives (Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Murcia – Spain).
- 2014: Ilústrate: A self-management workshop for artists (La Exprimidora, Castellón – Spain).
- 2014: Adobe Create Now & Behance Portfolio Review (Madrid).
- 2014: VII Creative Pro Show (Rome).
- 2013: I Art & Psychology Symposyum. UDIMA University (Madrid – Spain).
- 2012: V Parallax Art Fair (London).