Cyclolysis Metamorphica

Animated Art Making of Video

Cyclolysis Metamorphica: Dark Surrealism Digital Art by Mario Nevado. Emotional Portrait.

Cyclolysis Metamorphica

Welcome to another animated art making of video entry. This week, I’m going to show you the process behing another piece from my “Psychoclimatic conditions” series: Cyclolysis Metamorphica.

Cyclolysis ( \ sīˈkläləsə̇s \)
1. (meteorology) The weakening or termination of a cyclonic circulation in the atmosphere.
Metamorphic (/ˌmet.əˈmɔː.fɪk/)
1. (geology) Changing into a new form and structure by very great heat and pressure.

Psychoclimatic Conditions

“Psychoclimatic conditions” is a series where I establish a parallelism between weather phenomena and psychological definitions, conditions and illnesses. To do so, I have been studying for over a year meteorology and psychology to create these visual metaphors.

For the aesthetics of the series, I wanted to focus it in portraits with as-much-as-possible neutral expressions from the model so I could depict the feeling using color, composition and texture. It would be too easy to rely the emotion of the final artwork to fall just in human expression. I wanted to explore how to generate sensations using other ways. For that reason, it organically took a more abstract outcome. I was also a bit tired on working on realism only and I wanted to bring back some aesthetics I used to work on when I was younger and was experimenting with traditional medias, mixing different painting styles. It’s something I had been craving to do for years and I considered this was the perfect project to bring them back.


Cyclolysis Metamoprhica Animated Art making of Video

Fine Art prints

Remember that you can find fine art prints and canvases of Cyclolysis Metamorphica on my shop! 

Bottom Line

Remember that if you need to hire a freelance illustrator or are in need of a commercial license for a book, film or music album, my schedule is currently open and I am accepting commissions. Go to my contact page or get in touch via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Mario is a digital artist and art director that explores the depths of dark surrealism to deliver shocking cover visuals for bands, writers and filmmakers around the world. He's also a passionate instructor of color theory and image composition. In his free time, he sings and makes noise in his musical project, Nevado.
