‘Behind the Layers’ Photoshop Webinar with Shiftart
Next December 8th 2016, 10 a.m. GMT-8, I’ll be joining you all on Shiftart’s first ever live Photoshop webinar! I’ll be explaining the secrets behind my works “Betrayal”, your all-time favorite (or so it seems!), “Vulnicura” (Adode endorsed) and my newest release, “Honey”. Each block will cover different topics, such as complex composition techniques with ‘Betrayal’, Photo Manipulation and painting mixes with ‘Honey’ and Visual composition with ‘Vulnicura’. It will be brief and intense for each piece. I’ll be answering some of your questions life, and after the class you’ll have plenty of time to ask me anything you want 😀
- Honey
- Vulnicura
- Betrayal
Attendance is free! You just need to register your seat by clicking here.
Update! Here’s the video with the full class. Enjoy! 😀
Janine van Holthe
Cool, can’t sign up unfortunately U0001f625
Diana Boyd
can’t wait, signed up!