Aegis Strife v5.0

Aegis Strife v5.0

Well well… not updating in such a while, ain’t it? I have been re-coding and re-designing the full site. I’ve been working in the same server for so many years, and it was needing a huge clean-up! So here you have a brand new site, cleaner, faster and more accessible. Maybe it lacks the personality the old one had but… I think this is the way to work now, I prefer this minimal style to focus attention on the images and not the design. Also it works really fast, I had some major issues with the old version of the site because of the loading times. So everything went to the garbage and I started everything from scracht, except for the database with all the info. So if you were a registered user of this site, fear not, because all the info has been re-placed here, so your username and password will work here as well.

I have tried to create this site as simpler as possible with social media implementation. I really hope it works fine with you, and if you ever find a bug or something not working correctly, please drop me a line (you have a nice contact form at the bottom of this page) so I can fix it 🙂

So tell me what do you think about the site, the design and the features, because I do really want to know your opinions, good or bad, if constructive!

Apart of this huge new update, you’ll be wondering, what about artistic stuff? Well, I cannot say I’ve been with my arms crossed. There are at least three, if I remember well, photography sessions that have not been published yet, nor in this neither anywhere, in two of them featuring Eva Sánchez Nevado as model again (an outdoors session and another studio one) and also I’ll show you some photos from my trip to Edinburgh (marvellous place, great people, good food… you should go there!). I edited some and although I am not 100% satisfied with most of the final results there are some photos that are really interesting (they look like they’ve been taken at the end of the world!).

I’ll upload everything in small doses during this week and the following ones. I am also working (and eager to do more) in more digital illustrations. Yeah, you can say that 2010 has not been my year, for sure… not really lazy but neither busy… just strange. I’m willing to start focusing myself in vectors now, but it really gets me on my nerves so meanwhile I am planning to work in good ol’ photomanips again. I have not been on the mood to do so like in ages, but now I just can’t wait! 🙂

Also this Thursday are the finals of the Creajoven Contest here in Spain, so I wish to win with my Memories Collector series. Also an open exhibition with this stuff and the photos of the rest of the finalist will be available during this month at the Laboratorio de Arte Joven in Murcia (Spain).

What else… oh, well, just a big surprise. I am working with Marta Ochando (from Pásatelo Teatro, director and main character of Las Plañideras) in a short film. A comedy clip about feelings in between humans and animals. We are going to feature a lot of people you might know from my works. Everything started as something private and funny but now it’s a BIG project and we’re already working on the script and finishing our team work. So I’ll be busy until the end of the year doing pre-production stuff, since I’ll take care of the art direction as well… I don’t want to talk much more about this for now, so stay tunned! 🙂

Tons of new updates coming the way! Have a nice day you all! 🙂

Mario is a professional cover artist, art director and designer specializing in cover arts, poster design, and dark surrealism. He is known for his unique ability to blend dark and emotional symbolism with vibrant color palettes. His work is ideal for authors, musicians, and brands seeking bold, imaginative visuals that stand out. Whether it’s a haunting book cover, an evocative album design, or a surreal poster, Mario’s artistry ensures a memorable and impactful result. Collaborate with Mario to bring your creative vision to life—contact him today to discuss your project.

Mario Nevado

Comments: 2
  • Paradoxismminant
    14 years ago

    Ahh, I like it. Much simpler, but very streamlined and easy on me compared to many websites, especially since it doesn’t have a lot of chaos to add to my migraines…

