time Tag

Tempus fugit Dark Surrealism Digital Art by Mario Nevado Art about life and death with skulls and sunflowers.

Tempus Fugit – Digital Art Making Of Video

New piece using matte painting and photobashing techniques in Photoshop. I created several base pieces using artificial intelligence generative art network Midjourney and brought them together.Then I added some digital painting and photography to the mix.In the end, it is

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After a big while without creating anything in digital, here I am, again. This year has been hard for creation in my case. I was lost in between all my ideals and such, so I didn't know what to do, until

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shortest dayp1

Shortest day

Hi all! Some weeks ago, I started to doodle a bit in Photoshop out of the boredom I had. Doing some experiments and random things, I started to do something that was looking particulary close to some sketches of an idea

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