surreal landscape Tag

First on my Internal Landscapes series. Model is the always lovely Marta Ochando. This one was shot long ago: August 2013 at la Fuente del Rey in Cieza (Murcia - Spain), in front of a warm sunset at the end of

It's been a while since I had the chance to post so many (well, two at the moment) personal artworks. In fact, I had not published anything 100% personal since 2011's "Conversations" until I released "Patience" a month ago. The thing

This image was done straight after Delirium, in the creative rush I had at the beginning of this month. The image was started with nothing in mind actually. I just started to play with this image of Keira Grant photographed

After a big while without creating anything in digital, here I am, again. This year has been hard for creation in my case. I was lost in between all my ideals and such, so I didn't know what to do, until

At last, after two years of silence, an artgroup I belong to, Exceeds, has released its 5th and new pack, titled "Pure". For those who ignore the existence of this group, we release art packs done by various international photomanipulators, each

Hi all, and happy 2009! The second half of 2008 has been a crazy and busy period. My computer burnt some months ago, and also an accident ended up with my camera, so that's the reason it's been unable for me