surreal illustration Tag

It's been a while since I had the chance to post so many (well, two at the moment) personal artworks. In fact, I had not published anything 100% personal since 2011's "Conversations" until I released "Patience" a month ago. The thing

patience /ˈpeɪʃəns/n tolerant and even-tempered perseverance the capacity for calmly enduring pain, trying situations, etc New personal illustration. Model is Eduardo Muñoz. Don't lose hope. And

My work "Memento Mori" has been published again, and this is the third time it gets into a magazine cover artwork after being featured in Science and Fiction Holland Magazine and Albedo One in 2007. This time, for the #13

Another illustration published in "Substantia", the latest release of the artistic collective Hysterical Minds. It started as a sort of surreal portrait about Penelope and Ulysses (in Greek mythology, Penelope was Ulysses' wife, who waited for him to come back

Finally, latest exhibition from the international artistic collective Hysterical Minds, called "Substantia", has finally see the light! You can check it out here! You will find seven brand new artworks by yours truly, alongside some of the best contemporary digital

"Betrayal" is my new global warming illustration, created in Photoshop using matte painting and photobashing techniques. Hysterical Minds recently release last week their 11th art pack entitled "Empathy" (you can view it here). The main premise this time was the usage

Italian progressive metal band Ashent released their third album "Inheritance" with Lion Music this last September, so here you can check out the full CD packaging design I did for them. It's not the first time I've collaborated with them,