photomanipulation Tag

I have been thinking on revamping some old artworks for quite some time, even remaking some of them. During the years, I've learnt a lot of thing regarding composition, rules and knowledge about digital imaging and photography, and I can

Another digital illustration conceived form the photo session I had with Cristina Martin (such an inspiration!). Since I created my work "Medea" for the exhibition "Arkhaía" with Hysterical Minds (also featuring Cristina), I've been thinking a lot about the concept

After a big while without creating anything in digital, here I am, again. This year has been hard for creation in my case. I was lost in between all my ideals and such, so I didn't know what to do, until

Commissioned illustrations for the numbers 87 & 88 of the humanities french magazine 3éme Millenaire (Third Millenium Mag outside France). The illustrations had to be be dreamy and surreal necause of the subject matter of the articles: "Se revéiller de l'êtat

At last, after two years of silence, an artgroup I belong to, Exceeds, has released its 5th and new pack, titled "Pure". For those who ignore the existence of this group, we release art packs done by various international photomanipulators, each

Vertigo. Speed. Red. Blue. Breeze. The sea as the sky. Keep on picking petals, darling. Does he love you? Does he love you not? There are rainbows and shooting stars. There's an ocean and a falling sky. Is that all you wanted? Then keep on

Hi there! I want to introduce you all my new child: Finding.   Gnosis X: path: A noun: way, path, way of life. Y: finder: A noun: someone who comes upon something after searching. if_ X equals to [you] and

As you can notice, I've not produced anything new in the latest months. "The Red Room" project sucked all my energy, but during these past weeks, I have been able to create three new images, which represents an important moment