illustration Tag

As I did last year, here I present you a digital art compilation of nearly everything I have done during 2015. This last year has been what I consider to bee a transition one. Nothing life changing has happened, but

I have two good news! First one is, that after a big while, the art collective Hysterical Minds has at least released its new exhibition. The second is, that means I'm releasing new personal artwork after a long, long time! We

This image was done straight after Delirium, in the creative rush I had at the beginning of this month. The image was started with nothing in mind actually. I just started to play with this image of Keira Grant photographed

Vertigo. Speed. Red. Blue. Breeze. The sea as the sky. Keep on picking petals, darling. Does he love you? Does he love you not? There are rainbows and shooting stars. There's an ocean and a falling sky. Is that all you wanted? Then keep on

People seems good. You give everything. When you notice the thruth, it's too late and your blood is already being sucked. Parasites and Hosters, this is for all of you.

As you can notice, I've not produced anything new in the latest months. "The Red Room" project sucked all my energy, but during these past weeks, I have been able to create three new images, which represents an important moment