David Lynch Poster Design: In Heaven Exhibition
El próximo sábado 15 de febrero participaré en IN HEAVEN, un evento homenaje a David Lynch que tendrá lugar en Rancho Rosa - Espacio Cultural (Murcia). Para esta ocasión especial, he diseñado e ilustrado el cartel del evento y, además,
Unveiling the Seven Deadly Sins Digital Art Collection: Elevate Your Space with Explosive Dark Surrealism
Dark Surrealism approach to the Seven Deadly Sins theme. Which one will you choose?
Deliberation 50×50 Canvases 50% off!
Hello, friends and followers! Last week I reached 2 million visitors on my shop and I wanted to celebrate this milestone with you by offering a 20x20 inch (51x51cm) canvas of my best seller "Deliberation" for 67€ (that's 50% off!).
“Conscience” Video Art Making Of: Turning a phone pic into Art
This week I show you in my video art making of series how I turned a very old, low quality photo into a finished artwork. I took the original photo with my phone in a 2010 trip to Brussels with
Atomic – Illustration about Woke Politics and Cancel Culture
About chosen political solitude. The new savage political correctness or wokism is distancing us more than Covid did. We are going back to being atoms. All the flags in our nicknames won't heal us for ending up being violently alone.
Neptunian Metanoia Digital Art Video
Metanoia /ˌmɛtəˈnɔɪə/, noun 1. change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion: "what he demanded of people was metanoia, repentance, a complete change of heart" Named after the Roman god of the sea, Neptune is the modern ruler
Cyclolysis Metamorphica
Welcome to another animated art making of video entry. This week, I'm going to show you the process behing another piece from my "Psychoclimatic conditions" series: Cyclolysis Metamorphica. Cyclolysis ( \ sīˈkläləsə̇s \) 1. (meteorology) The weakening or termination of a cyclonic
Passive-Aggressive Heatwave
Passive-aggressiveness: Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There's a disconnect between what a passive-aggressive person says and what he or she does. Heatwave /ˈhiːtweɪv/ noun 1. a prolonged period of abnormally hot weather:
A deserved update to all of you: Aégis is alive.
Well, hello everyone! I don't know if after all this time being on hiatus there might be anyone out there still reading this blog, but just in case, I've been feeling with the obligation to update you all for quite
Aégis’ Weekly Challenge Month #1
Hello, buddies! And yeah, it's been a while since I wrote something around here, so let's see
Contes Malalts: Retrospective Exhibition in La Masana Comic (Andorra)
Hello, Andorra! I'll be visiting the Principality of Andorra this May 12th to inaugurate the retrospective exhibition that the L'Arca association of Illustrators of Andorra has organized on the Museum of La Massana Còmic to commemorate my ten years as digital