Hecate, Mother of Witches
In memory of the thousands of women burned alive by the Church. Hecate is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology. She is most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key and snakes. In later periods she is
Tempus Fugit – Digital Art Making Of Video
New piece using matte painting and photobashing techniques in Photoshop. I created several base pieces using artificial intelligence generative art network Midjourney and brought them together.Then I added some digital painting and photography to the mix.In the end, it is
‘Rainover: Trascending the Blue’ Album Artwork
It's been a while since the band Rainover first contacted me back in 2011 for designing their new album, "Trascending the blue and drifting into Rebirth" (title allegedly inspired by the cover artwork in words of Andrea Casanova, Rainover's singer),
‘Stone Division: Six Indifferent Places’ Packaging Design
I've had the pleasure to join forces with the rock/metal band Stone Division from Sweden, designing the album packaging of their debut album "Six Indifferent places"; to be released in the beginning of January, 2014. The asked me to create something