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Passive-aggressiveness: Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There's a disconnect between what a passive-aggressive person says and what he or she does. Heatwave /ˈhiːtweɪv/ noun 1. a prolonged period of abnormally hot weather:

Another digital illustration conceived form the photo session I had with Cristina Martin (such an inspiration!). Since I created my work "Medea" for the exhibition "Arkhaía" with Hysterical Minds (also featuring Cristina), I've been thinking a lot about the concept

A quick experiment with one of the unused photos from the sessions of my (yet) unfinished series "Interland Landscapes", this one featuring Eduardo Muñoz. Done in a couple of hours just for fun. And yes, the subtitle is to be taken

Concept, illustration, logo design, packaging and merchandise of the album "Deconstructive" by italian metal band Ashent. Released March 31 2009. The work featured logo re-design, typography work and full booklet design, as well as the making of 9 illustrations for usage