“Compassion” is an emotional digital art illustration about empathy created in Adobe Photoshop and slightly inspired by 16th century italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
compassion /kəmˈpaʃn/ noun
This artwork has warm, welcoming orange hues on its focal point. From the head, a lot of flowers and leaves are sprouting, creating a rich environment that continues until the bottom of the composition. But most of vegetation is fading into an autumnal scene. They’re drying against the contrast of the pale and bright blue background. Its warmth is getting colder.
Under that ecosystem, a hieratic character with very pale skin appears. We cannot see the eyes (they’re hidden between the plants taking notice of what’s happening), but we can notice tears of blood going down the cheek. The relaxed pose turns into tension when one of the hands is grabbing the other arm with such strength that it is making it bleed. As we go down through the image, we see an allegoric fire is consuming the character over the bottom area.
All these readings and contrasts can lead the viewer to interpret the inner suffering of the character because of the surroundings (cold versus warm), despite it might seem like a joyful image at first glanze.
No matter how good our position is: we have the power to feel for others. Empathy can make us suffer a bit sometimes, and that is what “Compassion” is all about. An emotional illustration of contrasts: joy and sadness, to iridescent colors to autumnal ones, from warmth to coldness. This is a piece that gets more and more complex as you read it, begging us to consider the world and people around us.
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If you are looking to hire a freelance artist for your next project, don’t hesitate in reaching me for availability and quotes. My areas of expertise are cover artworks, editorial projects, music album packagings and film poster design – but not limited to them! Please, while requesting a quote for your project, be as specific as possible: number of elements, illustrations or pages, estimated print run, preferred date of delivery and if you’re on a budget, just let me know it and we will try to work something out, if possible.
Feel free to contact me if you would like me to perform in your next design festival, give a lecture or a workshop in your area, if you’re arranging a group or solo exhibition or if you want to invite me to your podcast or magazine for an interview. Chances are that I’d love to participate in any of those!
Please, allow me 24 hours to reply to your message. Remember to contact me at least 2-3 months prior to your release date, as my schedule might be (and usually is) full.
But if you are just an art appreciator, feel free to ask me any questions you might have about my art for your personal enjoyment: I’ll do my best to clear any doubts you might have about my body of work
Say hello at hey@marionevado.art or contact me via social media:
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