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Mario Nevado's Art Blog

Dark Surrealism, Photoshop Tutorials and more.

Vertigo. Speed. Red. Blue. Breeze. The sea as the sky. Keep on picking petals, darling. Does he love you? Does he love you not? There are rainbows and shooting stars. There's an ocean and a falling sky. Is that all you wanted? Then keep on

Lately I can hardly sleep. I decided to took some vacation some months ago and it's starting to get out of my nerves because of the lack of duties (ironic, isn't it?). So I'm having some strange dreams, confusing, sometimes

People seems good. You give everything. When you notice the thruth, it's too late and your blood is already being sucked. Parasites and Hosters, this is for all of you.

This is my new child. I started it some days ago from a painting I did some months ago that I never finished, which I used for the body only, the rest is painting, vectors and photos. I was desiring to

Hi there! I want to introduce you all my new child: Finding.   Gnosis X: path: A noun: way, path, way of life. Y: finder: A noun: someone who comes upon something after searching. if_ X equals to [you] and

As you can notice, I've not produced anything new in the latest months. "The Red Room" project sucked all my energy, but during these past weeks, I have been able to create three new images, which represents an important moment

Spanish version may be come out soon, I hope :) Hello all! and be welcomed to my blog/news section of my portfolio. I know this new version has taken more time than the expected, but due to a server crash and some more issues at the end of 2007, and also because my busy schedule lately, it's been impossible to release this new (third, I think) version of the site. As always I've kept the design as simple as possible.