Visual Artistry Magazine Feature and Monographic
Hello, fellas! I appear on this month's issue of Visual Artistry Magazine (Volume 1, issue 5, December 2013)! My piece "Betrayal" got a cover feature, and there is also inside a 8 pages feature with some of my most popular artworks
The Medical Defense Union Journal Cover Art (Edimburgh)
My piece "Deliberation" just a new feature on the press. This time, as front cover and inside illustration on The MDU Journal (UK & Ireland), Volume 29, Issue 2. Non-commercial issue for the members of The MDU.
Hysterical Minds 13.5: Halloween Wallpapers Pack
The international artistic collective Hysterical Minds is proud to present their first wallpaper exhibition! We are delighted to show you a collection of Halloween themed inspired wallpapers (and music!) for all your spooky needs on all Hallow's Eve! This mini-pack features
Hysterical Minds presents the exhibition “They are among us”
The international artistic collective Hysterical Minds presents "They are among us", their 13th exhibition in their third year of existence. Even if we do not consider ourselves to be superstitious at all, we have aimed to bring an alienated, voyeurism
MASTER Award in Surreal Category in Digital Art Annual Exposé 11
Hey folks! I'm so honoured to officially announce that I won this year's Exposé MASTER Award on the Surreal category with my piece "Deliberation". This award and publication recognises the best digital artworks made during the past years at an
Digital Art Tips on Advanced Photoshop Magazine #112
On this month's Advanced Photoshop Magazine #112 (UK) you can find some tips on blending different sourced photos to create an homogeneous advertising poster taking as example the one I designed for Hysterical Minds at the exhibition on the Parallax
Interview for UDIMA / Entrevista para la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
Here we are with even more press features about my latest exhibition "Reflections from the awaken subconscious" on the I Symposium about Art & Psychology arranged by the UDIMA University in Madrid. This time, I was interviewed by Jorge Plasencia for
Video entrevista y reportaje en las Jornadas de Arte & Psicología UDIMA
After the written feature and interview from my participation on the I Symposium of Art & Psychology arranged by the UDIMA University in Madrid, here it comes the video interview and footage from the event that the University has created
Gigerotica: H.R. Giger Documentary
Gigerotica is a video documentary about the work and life of the swiss artist H.R. Giger, father of creations such as the original Alien of the films saga, among others. But
Photo & Retouching Magazine Interview (USA)
I have been interviewed for the very first release of the italian magazine Photo & Retouching. You can find a six pages monographic and a spread featuring the making of "Betrayal" and "Nirvana". Texts are in italian, 'thought! Click here to
‘Mirage Artbook: The Best of Hysterical Minds’ is out now
At last! After almost a year of hard work and patience, "Mirage" is finally out now! Mirage is a compilation of more than 130 artworks consisting of the best body of work the international artistic collective Hysterical Minds has released so
NeverLazy Magazine Interview (UK)
Lately, I don't usually post any new interviews on the blog, since there are many of them being published monthly so I've been just updating the Press section