‘Guardians of the Earth’ Film Poster Design

Guardians of the Earth poster by Mario Sanchez Nevado

‘Guardians of the Earth’ Film Poster Design

Some months ago I was contacted by Filip Malinowski for the making of the promotional theatrical poster of his documentary “Guardians of the Earth”, which had also the participation of Nils Frahm on the soundtrack, and people such as Al Gore, Donald Trump or Arnold Schawrzenegger making appearances throughout the running time of the film.

Film Info

DOCUMENTARY for cinema release
Austria/Germany, 2017, 86min
director: Filip Antoni Malinowski
status: upon release, in cinemas winter 2017/18
budget: appr. 695.000 Eur
festival & press kit
EPK-video (3GB)
German website

After 21 years of continuous failure in UN climate change negotiations 195 nations, 20.000 worldwide negotiators meet at a private airport shielded by the military in the north of Paris for a last attempt to save our planet. Behind closed doors these delegates have to agree on the first global climate change agreement that shall operate for the next decades and be a milestone in multirateral diplomacy. An agreement that will impact each human on earth, born or unborn. A negotiation that will decide if we as a species can survive.

“Guardians of the Earth” shows the battle towards this monumental agreement through the perspective of major players as the head of the UNFCCC, the fossil fuel exporting countries and the most vulnerable states to climate change.

Unreleased footage gives insight into the process behind closed doors and reveals the conflict of a globalized society: the dilemma between solidarity versus national self-interest – a fight between economic growth and massive loss of lives. As sea levels keep rising, glaciers are melting, heat-waves, droughts and Super-Typhoons become more frequent – time is running out to act – climate change is our reality.

While showing the complex progress to the final success of the agreement, the film also exposes the crucial question for the viewer: Can mankind unite to challenge the biggest threat of our times?

editing: Frank Brummundt
music: Nils Frahm
cinematography: Jakob Fuhr, Börres Weiffenbach, Emmanuel Cappelin, Filip Antoni Malinowski, Attila Boa
sound: Helge Ole Haack, Peter Rösner, Sergey Martynyuk
lead producer: Jürgen Karasek, Filip Antoni Malinowski
in co-production with: Perfect Shot Films, Berlin – Inka Dewitz, Michael Bogar
production trainee & set management: Stephan Podest
world sales: Autlook Filmsales

Saleemul Huq (Bangladesh), Christiana Figueres (UNFCCC), Helmut Hojesky (Austria), Laurent Fabius (COP President), Naomi Klein (Canada), Peter Woolcott (Australia), Yeb Sano (Philippines), Carole Dieschbourg (Luxembourg), Ronny Jumeau (Seychelles), Noora al-Alamer (Bahrain), Tony deBrum (Marshall Islands), John Kerry (USA), Al Gore (USA), Arnold Schwarzenegger (Austria/USA), Donald Trump (USA)

project development funded by: MEDIA Project Development, Austrian Film Institute
production funded by: Austrian Film Institute, German Federal Film Board, DFFF, ORF, BR, Misereor Stiftung
Participant of Zagreb Dox Pitch, Leipzig Co-production Meeting, Baltic Sea Forum for Docs, Marketplace Dokfest München
developed with: Sources2

The film will hits cinemas in winter 2017. Stay tuned!

More info here.


Mario is a digital artist and art director that explores the depths of dark surrealism to deliver shocking cover visuals for bands, writers and filmmakers around the world. He's also a passionate instructor of color theory and image composition. In his free time, he sings and makes noise in his musical project, Nevado.


Comment: 1
  • SU Hall
    8 years ago

    What a tremendous honor this must have been for you! They certainly chose the man to help portray what is taking place in this world of ours!
    You rock, my friend! Love this piece, anyway! To see it represent such a major film of such importance must be amazing!
    Kudos to you! This is so well-deserved!

