Exceeds Artgroup Releases “Pure” Exhibition
At last, after two years of silence, an artgroup I belong to, Exceeds, has released its 5th and new pack, titled “Pure”.
For those who ignore the existence of this group, we release art packs done by various international photomanipulators, each time under a common concept. This time we choosed pure, and you can see and download our new pack in pdf format by clicking here.
• adjective
1 not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
2 free of impurities.
3 innocent or morally good.
4 complete; nothing but: a shout of pure anger.
5 theoretical rather than practical: pure mathematics.
6 (of a sound) perfectly in tune and with a clear tone.
— DERIVATIVES purely adverb.
— ORIGIN Latin purus.
And my aportation to the group, entitled Sun in my mouth:
“I will wade out
Till my thighs are steeped
In burning flowers
I will take the sun in my mouth
And leap into the ripe air
Alive with closed eyes
To dash against darkness
In the sleeping curves of my body
Shall enter fingers
Of smooth mastery
With chasteness of sea-girls
Will I complete the mystery
Of my flesh
Will I complete the mystery
Of my flesh
My flesh”
Lyrics of the song “Sun in my mouth” by Björk, written by E. Cummings.
And here, some zoomed details:
I hope you enjoy our pack! (: