Contes Malalts: Retrospective Exhibition in La Masana Comic (Andorra)
Hello, Andorra!
I’ll be visiting the Principality of Andorra this May 12th to inaugurate the retrospective exhibition that the L’Arca association of Illustrators of Andorra has organized on the Museum of La Massana Còmic to commemorate my ten years as digital artist: “Contes Malalts: 10 anys de surrealisme digital de Mario Sánchez Nevado”, which translated means “Sick Fairytales: Ten years of digital surrealism by Mario Sánchez Nevado”. The exhibition will feature a collection of a total of 30 pieces from 2006 to present day, including some of my most popular pieces and also some surprises, too. Several videos about behind the scenes and making ofs will also be showcased. Everything will be up until the end of June.
My first retrospective, and I’m only 30! This feels great. See you there! 😀
Special thanks to my fellow artist Martin Blanco for bringing this up!