Betrayal – Global Warming Illustration
“Betrayal” is my new global warming illustration, created in Photoshop using matte painting and photobashing techniques.
Hysterical Minds recently release last week their 11th art pack entitled “Empathy” (you can view it here). The main premise this time was the usage of complimentary color combos to buil high-contrast color palettes. The idea to create a versus-like, opposite concepts challenge in the conceptual side was optional, but most artworks end up developing this thematic side as well, and the result’s been a wide range of artworks about empathy in many different conceptual fields.
I developed two artworks for this release, “Betrayal”, a global warming illustration, and “Nirvana”, an artwork about inner peace. The first one was a try out on the global warming – climatic change subject. The illustration is based on a set of very old sketches I drew 4 years ago about domestic violence. Some tweaks here and there on the composition and here we are.
Following, you can find some screenshots of the image process (which took approximately one month, on and off), and some mock-ups / product shots, since the image was developed with printing usage in mind – In fact it’s available for licensing as CD/Book cover (get in touch if interested!).
- Process #1
- Process #2
- Process #3
- Process #4
- Process #7
- Process #6
Antoine Scotto
Amazing work! Very inspiring
Mario Sánchez Nevado
Thank you! 🙂
Very beautifully done, its emotion appealing, perfect.
Mario Sánchez Nevado
Thank you, Claudia! 🙂
very interesting to see your work growing 😀
allready faved it on dA <3
Mario Sánchez Nevado
Thank you! 😀
Cristina Buentello
Your work reaches down deep to the core, love it! Thank you so much for putting that out into the universe.
Mario Sánchez Nevado
Incredible. Any retailer for prints in Canada, my dollar isn’t worth much these days 🙁 ..
This is beautiful. Are poster copies of it available for purchase? I’d love one.
behnazmalamiry Yes, here! http://fineartamerica.com/featured/betrayal-mario-sanchez-nevado.html 🙂
What are your rules for reproducing Betrayal for persoal use?
msu4now There’re no restrictions for personal use. Enjoy 🙂
Thank you Mario. I would like to add this print to my postcards that I send to Washington to protest Trump’s agenda. It says so much more than I can with words. Any issues or concerns with using your work for this purpose?
msu4now As long as you give them away and don’t sell them, by all means you are free to proceed.
Oh, and if you can take photos of that, it would be awesome to see.
I really like your BETRAYAL artwork. It reveals the human person in a face of technology. I would like to have a copy of this for my class discussion.
I am using this photo for my formal description in my Art class. As soon as I saw this, I immediately knew that I would use this piece for my assignments. Awesome work!