Adobe Create Now: Summary, videos and pics!
Some months ago I had the pleasure to be invited by Adobe Ibérica to present one of the two Behance Portfolio Reviews that would take place on the Adobe Create Now: Meet the creatives tour in its Spanish stop in Madrid. My labor was to introduce the work of three creatives that I consider to be outstanding, so I arranged a presentation with the works of Victor Murillo and Melez Artworks, that were able to come to the event to make a little speech and video showreel presentation of their work, and Sugarflesh, the joint illustration project led by my Hysterical Minds comrades Liran Szeiman and Martín de Diego. I also had time to give a little motivational speech about creative identity (I didn’t want to lose the chance to say something like that in such a chance to speak in front of big figures of the art and design industry like Cruz Novillo or Sergio Albiac, among many others).
It was a great experience and I have to say that I enjoyed and had much fun with the Adobe Iberica team: You are wonderful! It was a surprise (and was not scheduled as far as I know) that my 2014 showreel was the video that opened the event. I could talk for hours about this, but luckily, Adobe has already published many photos and videos of this event, so I’ll let them speak!
Thank you everyone who attended the event both in person and on the streaming. It was a marvelous experience! Thank you!
The full streaming of Create Now Madrid is already available on-line on the Adobe TV site. You can watch my appearance on the parts 3 & 4.