Tempus Fugit – Digital Art Making Of Video
New piece using matte painting and photobashing techniques in Photoshop. I created several base pieces using artificial intelligence generative art network Midjourney and brought them together.Then I added some digital painting and photography to the mix.In the end, it is the same process I use with my matte paintings. I just substituted the photos for generative images.
Tempus fugit is latin for “time flies”. I am 37 years old and I see that my youth is just starting to fade away (but just starting!). Sunflowers are my favourite plant, and since they represent the Sun, I have always seen them as a symbol of youth. Despite the dark looks of the illustration, I rather see it as an encouragement to live the moment and stay in the present. It’s not the first time I work on this concept. One of my first digital art pieces, “Memento Mori” was about the same idea. Just younger. Flashier. Brighter. The total opposite to this one, aesthetically speaking. I think this artwork could be a nice partner in crime for a possible dyptich.
And you? Do you live in the present, the past or the future?
Tempus Fugit T-Shirts
I couldn’t resist to adapt this design to T-shirts as I wanted to wear it myself. You can find it on my Redbubble store!Â
Bottom Line
Remember that if you need to hire a freelance illustrator or are in need of a commercial license for a book, film or music album, my schedule is currently open and I am accepting commissions. Go to my contact page or get in touch via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Incognito Editer
I love the artwork, It’s really great I been a huge fan for a while now, I just ordered several T-shirts, I hope you keep this up man.
Mario Nevado
Thank you very much! Enjoy them! 🙂