mixed media Tag

Blossom P2

Blossom: Collaboration with Andrea Melendez

Following the illustrations released in the latest exhibition, "Substantia", of the art collective Hysterical Minds, here it is "Blossom", a very special mixed media (photo manipulation and digital painting) piece developed in collaboration with Andrea Meléndez. A great pleasure to

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Hysterical Minds: EMPATHY

We proudly present our eleventh art pack, once again filled with top pieces created in multiple media by today's finest Spanish-speaking artists. On this occasion, which is as special as ever, our artists had a technical challenge, which allowed for both

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memories collector banner

‘Memories Collector’ Kike & Alex Photoshoot

¡La convocatoria de participantes/modelos para este proyecto fotográfico aún sigue abierta. Si vives en el área de Murcia y quieres participar, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo! Today, I had the pleasure of receiving Kike and Álex for a new

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memories collector banner

‘Memories Collector’ Juanpe & Marta Photoshoot

¡La convocatoria de participantes/modelos para este proyecto fotográfico aún sigue abierta. Si vives en el área de Murcia y quieres participar, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo! Yesterday was the third session of Memories Collector, with two new participants: Juanpe

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el transito de las ballenas p1

The traffic of the whales

Lately I can hardly sleep. I decided to took some vacation some months ago and it's starting to get out of my nerves because of the lack of duties (ironic, isn't it?). So I'm having some strange dreams, confusing, sometimes

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the finding p


Hi there! I want to introduce you all my new child: Finding.   Gnosis X: path: A noun: way, path, way of life. Y: finder: A noun: someone who comes upon something after searching. if_ X equals to [you] and

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