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Evolved Sound and Captivating Artwork: Rainover Unveils "NOX" Album Rainover, one of the key gothic metal bands in Spain, is set to release their highly anticipated sophomore album titled "NOX" on June 21st 2023 in digital, with a planned physical release

Alexithymia /əˌlɛksɪˈθʌɪmɪə/, noun 1. the inability to recognize or describe one's own emotions: "alexithymia has been linked to depression and suicidal behaviour". . Winter /ˈwɪntə/, noun 1. the coldest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from December to February. In the southern

Advanced Photoshop Magazine includes in its latest release (#95, United Kingdom) a two pages showcase of Hysterical Minds latest exhibition, "Twisted Essence" including some of the best digital artworks the art collective has released in their latest art pack, and