Book cover artwork for the electronic re-release of 1998’s sci-fi / fantasy novel “The Shadow Eater” by A. A. Attanasio.

Book cover artwork for the electronic re-release of 1998’s sci-fi / fantasy novel “The Shadow Eater” by A. A. Attanasio.
Mario Sánchez Nevado’s art brings the lights up in the soul and illuminates the inner life that fixes the self to the world. His professionalism matches his masterful artistry, and my work experience with him enlivened me and my project. He created the title graphic for my fantasy novel The Shadow Eater in a timely way that gave my book a cover of timeless beauty.
A. A. Attanasio, Independent Author & Editing professional.
Self-release (USA, 2011).
August 2, 2011