Photoshop Tutorial: Dark Photo Manipulation

photo manipulation tutorial, Photoshop Tutorial: Dark Photo Manipulation

Photoshop Tutorial: Dark Photo Manipulation

So as promised, new photo manipulation tutorial for Adobe Photoshop up and kicking! And this time it is completely free, so all of you can take a look and discover some tips about my working methods. Some photomanipulation techniques taught such as blending, masking, lighting and coloring. You will learn how to create a realistic composition.  This Photoshop tutorial is about 50 steps long. It is easy to follow, and most taught techniques can be applied to pretty much all photomanipulations. More to come real soon! 🙂

Tutorial: Create a Dark/Conceptual Photomanipulation using stock photography!

Mario is a digital artist and art director that explores the depths of dark surrealism to deliver shocking cover visuals for bands, writers and filmmakers around the world. He's also a passionate instructor of color theory and image composition. In his free time, he sings and makes noise in his musical project, Nevado.
