Hail from the Nowhere Man
Spanish version may be come out soon, I hope 🙂
Hello all! and be welcomed to my blog/news section of my portfolio.
I know this new version has taken more time than the expected, but due to a server crash and some more issues at the end of 2007, and also because my busy schedule lately, it’s been impossible to release this new (third, I think) version of the site.
As always I’ve kept the design as simple as possible. The Gallery has received the biggest update, implementating a php-based webgallery, which will allow you to search, browse by categories, dates, media, etc. All artworks are sort also by series and major projects. And also, something I’ve been promising for years, I’ve uploaded most of my photography and traditional stuff, as well as my short-films and animations, so you can tell it’s been a lot of work here.
Things may work weird for a while since the site is not 100% polished, but everything will run smoothly.
Last, but not least, due to my precary monetary situation, I’ve been ‘forced’ to re-open my stores, in which I have also uploaded new stuff of 2008 and some old gems. You can access to the stores at:
The Untapped Source
You’ll find postcards, posters, prints, canvas prints and some more stuff. I’m planning to start a T-Shirt series soon in the future, but only time will tell since I’m working in a gazillion projects lately.
Upwards you can see an “articles” and “Press” sections, but those are still in progress since I have to do a big recompilation of stuff. There are little things here and there all over the site but I think they’re not annoying much, but at least the site is working at last, I was getting rid of the provisional design I did back in March or so.
Well, now talking about what may interest you more: I have not done an image in more than a month now since I finished “The Red Room” installation project and “Test for Deconstruction” series. The only new stuff you may find in the Gallery now are some old and new photos I have decided to publish, but the digital stuff is now stopped, but hey, I have some nice ideas for a new serial project, although I’m having a lot of trouble to get with certain source images I need, and also my tablet is broken, so you will have to be patient 🙂
Oh, and as a final note, I’m now into 2 musical projects (one with Josemi López, more punk, electro and experimental oriented) and other with some friends (we are unnamed yet). I’m doing lead vocals with this, and pretty much everything in the other one. This is running slowly as well, since we’ve been working on this for several months now, now we have some things composed and I hope to start running soon.
As you can see I’m dispersed in so many projects, so that’s the reason I seem inactive lately.
But don’t worry, you know I love to bring out surprises.
Stay tunned, and enjoy your visit!
rifoaozo pornah
notable milieu. So hang on to!