Next exhibition in New York: The Story of the Creative
Hey, everyone! If you happen to be near New York city from the following July 25th to September 10th, you are a lucky one! Three of my artworks will be displayed in the group exhibition curated by See.Me entitled "The story
Video entrevista y reportaje en las Jornadas de Arte & Psicología UDIMA
After the written feature and interview from my participation on the I Symposium of Art & Psychology arranged by the UDIMA University in Madrid, here it comes the video interview and footage from the event that the University has created
Crónica del I Encuentro de Arte & Psicología (exhibition report)
You may be asking yourself (if you seem to have such a big amount of free time) why I have not said a word about the I Symposium of Art & Psichology arranged by the UDIMA in Madrid that was
I Jornadas Arte y Psicología Madrid + Exposición
After several months of hard work, at least I can introduce you the I Symposium of Art & Psichology that the Distance Learning University of Madrid (UDIMA) has arranged for the next May 31st and February 1st on Madrid's CEF
The Zombook: Zombie Art Anthology Now Available
So at last, here it is! Last year I was contacted by Allan Graves, he was working as the anthologist of a zombie art volume that would be published by Graffito Books. At that time I had nothing zombie related,
Unravel: Dark Surrealism Inspired by Björk
"While you are away, my heart comes undone and slowly, unravels in a ball of yarn. (
Exhibition in Times Square with Artists Wanted (New York)
I'll have to be concise on this one: One (or more, I still don't know!) of my artworks has been select by Artists Wanted for the Art Take Times Square Campaign! The images will be showcased in a 9 x
Parallax Art Fair + Hysterical Minds Exhibition Review (London)
The last May, from the 15th to 18th, it took place in the Chelsea Old Town Hall of London, the opening of the 5th edition of the Parallax Art Fair, a meeting point for contemporary art that gathered more than
Exhibition with Hysterical Minds at Parallax Art Fair (London)
I'll be exposing one of my digital paintings, "Feel", next may at the Parallax Art Fair in Londond alongside with Hysterical Minds: Hysterical Minds is proud to announce its international debut with an exhibition that will be held at the Parallax
Photojournalism: World Revolution 15O
15O Photos about the world demonstration of October 15th (15O): United for Global Change. Tool in Murcia by photographer & digital artist Mario Sánchez Nevado.
Spanish Revolution
¡Hola a todos! Ahora mismo me encuentro viviendo en el campamento que hemos levantado en la plaza de la Glorieta en Murcia con motivo de la manifestación que Democracia Real YA convocó el pasado 15M. Aprovecho que vengo a mi casa
Illustrations from Digital Surrealism: Solo Exhibition at Ocio (Murcia)
Writting mostly in spanish, since I'm talking about my next solo exhibition in Spain. Anyways, if anyone is curious to know, it will be from November 27th to December 23th in Ocio bar (Murcia - Spain), with direct selling of