Countdown: Digital Art Making Of Video
As some of you might know, I’ve been trying to publish a Making Of video for ages. In the last year I have been flooded with commissions and I have not had the time to invest on this, but finally, I have given myself a free week now to work on this, as I have finished all my commissions for now!
As most of my illustrations are very complex to create a quick Making Of video, I selected “Countdown”, which has been remained unpublished for months until now. I created this piece as the back cover of an album, that was sadly discarded by the client, so I worked a bit more on it and decided that it could be a good piece to create a video from, as it doesn’t have much layers or very complex stuff going on. Needless to say, the video was not recorded – I just cannot work knowing that something is recording everything I do – instead I have taken several screenshots from the proccess to compose the clip.
Another thing I’ve been wanting so much to work on, is to animate some of my illustrations, and this one was simply perfect, as I was only going to need some fire clips in motion as well as sparkles and such – which I already had from other promotional videos I have done. So, in the end, I have been able to produce the clip and to get two nice short gifs for promotion on social media, one with the proccess and another one with the animation only.
I liked the proccess so much that I’m already working on a second one for another unpublished artwork that is gathering dust in one of my hard drives, so stay tuned, as it’s coming soon!
Last but not least, credits go to Cristina Martín for being an awesome model again, and to Ben Music for offering great royalty free soundtracks for us to use! 🙂
And now, the video. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂
And here, a couple of gifs I have rendered from the video. Feel free to share them! 😀
Markus Grimm
Hot 🙂
Kathleen Furnivall
XCindiita Vesga X
great !!!