Aégis Reborning: New Illustration portfolio
After a couple of week with the site closed due to some rebulding, I introduce you my all brand new illustration portfolio website, less complex, more elegant. But why a new website, if you laucnhed the old one just a few monhts ago? I think that my website has to represent myself, and my perspectives have changed. It’s hard to get a path in the illustration field, and when you are getting into it, I consider that you have to invest in your own identity. The most important thing are the images, so I had to focus on them. You will notice that now the galleries have a better arrangement: there are less areas in which to get lost. I have had to delete a lot of material that I considered that was not worth showing anymore. Anyway, you still have a chronologic gallery with all my illustrations in my deviantArt profile.
Basically, now the illustrations are sorted in three galleries: Photoillustration, Mixed Media and Paintings. The same occurs in the Photography area, in which you’ll find all portrait series mixed in a single category, but completely sortable to browse them in a stand-alone way. You have also the photojournalism section with the series of Spanish Revolution! and The Mourners, and also some “non-human” photos in the Metaphors gallery. Some videos are still available, the ones that “survived” are now available at higher quality.
You will fing info about my services in the Hiring page. The pages for Contacting and buying Prints are there as always. Regarding the Portfolio, I think you just have to discover it by yourself! Oh, and, the site now is almost bilingual at all English / Spanish 😀
And to celebrate the release of this brand new site, here are 16 1280×1024 wallpapers for you! You can find them in the main page or by browsing the website: the appear randomly on all pages except in the portfolio ones. You just have to click on the arrow pointing upwards by your right and there you are! Just save the images and bring some life to your desktop 🙂
I hope you enjoy my new illustration portfolio and find it more user friendly. If you find any bugs and errors, please let me know! I bet there might me some flying over the site. Don’t be shy and leave your comments below! 🙂
Well, that is pretty much everything. I’ll save the big surprises for later, as I’m involved in several projects nowadays. I say a ‘see-you-soon’ to you all for a week… Freelancers also have vacation! I’ll be hanging around Barcelona if you want to catch me 😉
Te ha quedado increíble la web O_O, ¡felicidades filí!
Mario Sánchez Nevado
¡Gracias nene! Ya sólo hablamos cuando saco versiones nuevas de la web… hemos quedao ya pa contar batallitas XD
Por cierto, el otro día me metí en tu página por curiosidad… es impresionante que siga con vida y en tan buena forma, manteniendo el old style de aquellos tiempos 😀
¡Muchas gracias Mario! Sí xDD Sé que eres un hombre ocupado, ya no puedo entrenerte con mis chiquilladas como hace unos cuantos años~!
La verdad es que llevo bastante con la web, ¡espero que pueda seguir con ella mucho más tiempo! Como habrás visto el diseño y la estructura ha cambiado bastante poco, aún sigue con su diseño hecho con tablas (¡Principalmente porque hasta ahí llegan mis conocimientos de creación de webs! xDD) ¡Al lado de esta web, KHW parece del paleozoico!
Mario Sánchez Nevado
Bueno hombre, pero mantiene su encanto, que es lo importante… no creo que muchas webs de esa época hayan sobrevivido, y eso es lo bueno 😀
¡Felicitaciones Aegis!
Está muy linda, moderna y completa 🙂
Mario Sánchez Nevado
¡Gracias Bol! 🙂