Entropy: A Dystopian tale about love
entropy f. phys. Thermodynamic function that measures the non usable part of the contained energy within a matter or system. inform. Measure of the doubt from the compendium of messages from which only one is to be received. mec. Measure of molecular disorder of a matter or
Two Worlds: Fire and Water
A quick experiment with one of the unused photos from the sessions of my (yet) unfinished series "Interland Landscapes", this one featuring Eduardo Muñoz. Done in a couple of hours just for fun. And yes, the subtitle is to be taken
Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop
I'm so happy to introduce you Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop, by Bret Malley and released by Adobe Press. I was contacted a while back for a chance of an exclusive interview as an inspirational artist as a bonus